Hello @ all,
I am currently trying to get the Telit module to do what I want but it seems like I am a little stuck.
The project in general I am working on includes pushing some data on to a FTP server. The whole device, the Telit module is connected to, will also include a microprocessor. So at the moment I am facing a general question whether it is more reliable to use the microcontroller to send the necessary AT-commands or whether I should stick to the Python implementation of the GM 862 to send the data? Right now the microcontroller seems to be the better alternative as I am facing some problems getting the .py-scripts to work on the module.
What I have done by now…
I already implemented a Perl script on a Debian machine which verifies the device is connected to a provider. Bad luck that I can not place the whole server in field as this works fine . I can also place a python script on the Telit module by using another Perl script. When I check after loading the file on the module, the file is displayed correctly. I can also activate it without any problems. But when I try to execute it, it fails. The whole python script at the moment does nothing else but this:
out_file.write("Hello World!")
But when I have a look at the filesystem after switching the device off and on or when I have executed the AT#EXECSRC-command only the script is displayed…
The next thing I am trying to fix at the moment is the pythonwin-module. Somehow I can only connect to the module by using the hyper terminal. But when it comes to connect to the module using pythonwin it always says that it can not open the port. Perhaps this might be a problem on my computer where pythonwin is running because when I try to switch the ports, it always says that it wants COM1 to send the AT-commands. It does not matter when I say that it should use COM4 for sending AT-commands and COM1 for debugging, because the next time I open the port selection window it is already switched the other way round again. I have this problem with both common versions of pythonwin by the way.
Thanks in advance for your answers and I am sorry letting this text get so long. :?