Where to find the GM862?

Sparkfun’s been sold out for weeks. Where else can you get the Telit GM862? Or Telit modules in general?

Try a Telit distributor, like Round Solutions.

mikroelektronika sells it as well, with a lower price.

i ended up getting it at janus-rc. They gave me a discounted price since it’s a slightly older firmware version


As per an earlier poster, MikroElectronica not only have it at under $80 but it also comes with all antennas and cables.

I got my board from SFE and the module etc from MikroE; even with 2 lots of postage - still got a great saving.

I am currently falling in love with Telit Python. I did a GPS-SMS application using a PIC micro connected to the GM862. Took a couple of days to code up and debug. Then I did it in Python, took a couple of HOURS to code up and debug!!!

@john_meboune - I am looking at doing something very similar to you with sms. Any chance you could share some python code with us?

Hi Ryan,

I found the example at:-


to be very helpfull.

I modified it (below) to detect a phone in “RING”. My GM862 then does a “hang up” (hence no phone cost). The GM862 then reads the GPS and sends an SMS to a fixed phone number (sub. in yours at the correct position in the code).

I use SER.send commands to debug and watch what is going on in the roundsolutions “rsterm” hyperterminal.

I compile the script in rsterm to get the .pyo which I then upload, enable and run. It works great.

Gotta give credit to Flavio Bernardotti (what a name…sounds good enough to eat!); without his example I would have got nowhere.

######################### Cut and Paste from here #################################

#phone_loc2 - phone locater version 2

#Phone in and get an SMS of GPS location sent to a fixed phone number

#Adapted by John from work by Flavio Bernardotti


#Improved structure from my phone_loc1 version using simpler main and larger functions

#Tested with GPS fix, yet to test for GPS no fix - 28/02/2010

Put Your Number Here

SMSTO = ‘XXXXXXXXXXXX’ # recipient number for the SMS


Import Modules

import SER

import MOD

import MDM

import GPS

General Functions

#Get the GPS position, check for a fix and format the message

def get_gps():

gpspos = GPS.getActualPosition() #Read GPS position

gpspos_parts = gpspos.split(‘,’) #Break into parts on the commas

if ((gpspos_parts[5] == ‘2’) or (gpspos_parts[5] == ‘3’)): #2D or 3D fix

SER.send(‘GPS fix\n\r’) #For Hyperterminal

SER.send(‘Position is: lat and lon \r\n’) #For Hyperterminal

#extract lat and lon

lat = gpspos_parts[1] #Lat is field[1]

lon = gpspos_parts[2] #Lon is field[2]

#Format the text lines

line1 = lat[0:2] + ’ ’ + lat[2:10]

line2 = lon[0:3] + ’ ’ + lon[3:11]

#Form the sms message body

text = line1 + ‘\n\r’ + line2 +‘\n\r’

#Print it on the hyperterminal


return text


text = ‘GPS No Fix \r\n’

SER.send(text + ‘\r\n’) #For Hyperterminal

return text

#Setup Module - Text Mode, verbose error report

def sms_setup():

MDM.send(‘AT+CMEE=2\r’, 0) #Set verbose error reporting for GSM module

MDM.receive(50) #5 sec max for response

MOD.sleep(1) #wait 0.1sec

SER.send(‘Set text mode\r\n’) #For Hyperterminal

a = MDM.send(‘AT+CMGF=1\r’, 2) #Set text mode

res = MDM.receive(5) #Get the response

SER.send(res + ‘\r\n’) #For Hyperterminal

MOD.sleep(1) #Some delay

#SMS Send - Fixed phone number, message is passed in variable ‘text’

def sms_send(text):

SER.send(‘Sending SMS\r\n’) #For Hyperterminal

a = MDM.send(‘AT+CMGS="’ + SMSTO + ‘"\r’, 2) #Send the number

res = MDM.receive(10) #Get the response

MOD.sleep(1) #Some delay

if(res.find(‘>’) != -1): #Test the response

a = MDM.send(text, 20) #Good response - send the text

a = MDM.sendbyte(0x1A, 20) #Send the terminator

SER.send(‘SMS Sent\r\n’) #For Hyperterminal

MOD.sleep(1) #Some delay


SER.send(‘Did not get > \r\n’) #Handle the error case

#Abort SMS (just in case)

MDM.sendbyte(0x1B, 0)

MOD.sleep(1)#wait 0.1sec




#Setup USART

SER.set_speed(‘115200’,‘8N1’) #Baud, 8-bit data, 1 stop bit

#Setup Module for SMS etc



while 1:

#Now check for RING

SER.send(‘Checking RING \n\r’) #For Hyperterminal

res = MDM.receive(20) #Get the string to check for ring in

a = res.find(‘RING’) #Test for Ring

if(a != -1): #Found a RING

SER.send(‘Found Ring \r\n’) #For Hyperterminal

MDM.send(‘ATH\r’, 10) #Hang up, no charge

res = MDM.receive(10)

#Read GPS

text = get_gps()

#Send the sms

sms_send(text) #Send the message


SER.send(‘No RING Detected \r\n’) #Did not find RING

################## End Cut andPaste ####################

Regards John

Melbourne Australia

Hi again Ryan,

The forum software removed the indentation from the Python script that I listed in my earlier mail.

You will need to re-indent the function bodies, if and while statements. See Flavio’s original source if your not sure how.


Melbourne Australia

John, thanks for the code. Nice trick on the ring and text option. I am looking to do a simple tracker for when I am on my motorcycle and my wife wants to know where I am. Your code will come in very handy!

Hey y’all,

I tried the example below and corrected the indentions and when I call the SIM, RING RING RING is outputted in Hyperterminal, but then I never receive a text message.

Any clues/hints are much appreciated!

ok. Here is my code: http://dpaste.com/180539/

I added in a spot in the sms_setup() fo setting the at#bnd=1 (as I am in America)

I upload via hyperterminal.

Then I execute the script and run at#execscr.

I then call in and get RING RING RING RING…

any help is much appreciated. John, thank you for making your code so available. I tried the guy’s code from the link you sent, but found yours more easy to read and understand.

  • MJ


I tried the link in your post to see your code but the link does not work.

Email me at john45_aus@yahoo.com.au and I will try to help.



I read this topik and got impression you can run the telit gm862 without a connection it to a microprocessor, did I get it right?

How a one write a py script into the gm862 and save it so it does not get erased on power disconnect? Could somebody publish a link on an instructions on this?

I am working with gm862 by sending AT commands from propeller much but it would work for me and would be much better if I could save py script into the gm862 and let it run by itself.



The GM862-GPS contains a Python Script interpreter. It is OK for low speed applications and does not support interrupts or floating point variables. Once loaded onto the module and enabled, the script is stored in EPROM on the module and will run on power up.

Python is a widely used scripting language, apparantly even Google use it. Telit have produced a library of functions to control the operation of their GSM/GPRS modules. If you have programmed in C then Python is easy to learn.

You will find a .pdf file called:- Telit_Easy_Script_Python_r10 at the URL below.

http://www.telit.com/en/products/gsm-gp … c=show&p=7

The .pdf decribes the library of function calls along with the script downloading process.

That would make the hardware part of my project much simpler, would not need propeller mcu, cristal, memory ets! Thanks a lot.

Just quick question: I am reading the Telit_GM862-QUAD/PY_Hardware_User_Guide_r1 at the link you gave me. But still could not figure out if does the telit module I have support python or it does not, the module I have bought is http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … ts_id=7917 but I guess the one I have to buy to be able program python script should GM862-QUAD-PY, is it right?

How could one check if does the module CEL-07917 GM862 Cellular Quad Band Module with GPS supports python?

I guess it is all in documentation but somehow I could not figure out :frowning:

Thanks a lot.


There are 3 versions of the GM862 around.

GM862 Quad - Does NOT support Python

GM862 Quad/Py - Suports Python (see the Py in the device name)

GM862-GPS - Supports Python

It looks like all Telit GSM modules that include GPS support Python even though the Py is not in the device code.

Best price for a GM862 - GPS looks like mikroe.com and comes with cables and antennas


I purchased some GM862-QUADs from Janus Remote Communication, but their autobauding doesn’t work well. Has anyone had a problem with this? Also, after I establish and set the baud rate, when I power cycle, the module returns to at+ipr=0, or autobaud. Has anyone had a similar experience?

Just thought I would share my version of a gps tracker using the GM862. http://ohararp.com/wp/?p=119 Thanks for all your help!

http://ohararp.com/wp/wp-content/upload … 24x687.jpg