Cannot program ESP8266 Wifi Shield with 3.3V FDTI

Hi, I am trying to upload code to the SparkFun WiFi Shield - ESP8266 using a 3.3V FTDI breakout board. The programming header says that it should be supplied with 5 volts. But looking at the schematic the 5 volts just goes into a 3.3V regulator. Since the ESP8266 is a 3.3V micro controller, why would I be having problems uploading code to the micro controller? Currently I am unable to flash a binary file with esptool. Is there something that I missed? I might be having a different problem but from what I’ve researched it seems like using a 5V FTDI breakout has solved peoples problems.

Hello RosePeach.

We recommend using the 5 volt FTDI to program the ESP8266 on this shield.

A 3.3 volt FTDI will not be 3.3 volts after traveling through the 3.3 volt regulator on the shield and that’s likely what’s causing you issues.

Hello Chris,

Thank you for your response. I have switched to a 5V FTDI programmer and attempted to upload the default Blink sketch. I followed the instructions in the hookup guide on how to reprogram the esp8266 in the arduino ide. But, after uploading the Blink sketch the “STAT” led stays off. The esp8266 chip also is heating up quite a bit. Is the chip shorted out? Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,


Hi Rose.

It does sound like something is up with your board.

Can you post a few pictures of your setup and the top and bottom of the shield?

Hi Chris,

Here are some pictures of the shield. Let me know if you need a more detailed picture of a certain part of the board.

OK, those pictures look OK.

Can you tell me what your order or invoice number for the shield is?


Sorry for the delay but I was able to upload code to the board after first uploading the AT Command Firmware that is shipped with the board.

Thank you,


No problem!

Glad you got it figured out Rose. :slight_smile: