Can't able to customize charge current on Sparkfun Battery Babysitter charging module

Hi everyone,

I’m using Sparkfun Battery Babysitter for monitoring 1000mAh lipo battery. I’m using the same for charging the battery as well. It’s working fine in default charge rate i.e 100mA . But whenever I switch it to 500mA by making EN1 and EN2 0 and 1 respectively it’s not responding and not even indicating through charging LED (blue led is off). I even tried to customize charge current by setting up a resistor across ISET. But not getting anything on Sparkfun. It’s working only in default mode of 100mA rate. This is my first time hands on experience with fuel gauges, Any idea on how to sort it out. Even small help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Can you share a photo of the wiring/switches?

It sounds like you’ve taken the correct steps…if we don’t spot something obvious in the photos, it may have a faulty DIP switch - if that turns out to be the case (and you bought the board directly from SparkFun, head over to and fill out the form, we can get it sorted out. If purchased from a distributor, please contact them directly)

Oh okayyy apologies for not attaching any related documents.I ordered this from Tanotis website in which they have imported from official Spakrfun website ig, Yeah if there’s a problem with DIP switch, is there any alternative interface that I can do to make current rate as 1A.

Thanks in advance!!

That looks good; I think your best bet now would be to contact Tanotis and see about having them issue a replacement item (board is believed to have a defective DIP switch)

Best of luck!