hi all.i am sort of new in dev boards programming and am learning much from manuals.but i kind of freak out when things turn out to be different from what the manual says it would be.
my first trouble was getting the board to be recognised by the ubuntu desktop.for this i found out i have to use openocd.and i installed it form the links in google.when i try to run it from terminal,this id what i get as output.
abhinav@abhinav-desktop:~$ openocd
Open On-Chip Debugger 1.0 (2008-11-26-09:42) svn:unknown
In procedure ‘script’ called at file “command.c”, line 436
In procedure ‘find’ called at file “embedded:startup.tcl”, line 166
i tried to google the error and found no luck.the config file is there in the same dir as openocd but i dont know why it spits out the error saying its not there…
my debugger is arm usb tiny and board is STM32-P103 FROM OLIMEX.any help for the novice?
i tried to google the error and found no luck.the config file is there in the same dir as openocd but i dont know why it spits out the error saying its not there…
my debugger is arm usb tiny and board is STM32-P103 FROM OLIMEX.any help for the novice?
I am also trying to get the stm32 to work, and I have documented my work here:
mine is 9.04 and how do i check if ithe board is recognised by the os?
In the middle of that page there is a section called “Connect to the hardware”, and there you can see a bit from dmesg on my system after I connected the jtag.
turns out it was some permissions problem.so finally got it working.thanks for ur help.now for the next part.did u try to execute anyother program than the demo program?can u give me details of the entire toolchain and process u used.did u use eclipse to compile?
turns out it was some permissions problem.so finally got it working.thanks for ur help.now for the next part.did u try to execute anyother program than the demo program?can u give me details of the entire toolchain and process u used.did u use eclipse to compile?
this was repeated several times.is it an error?or is it the way it should be behaving?i got a similar error for binutils.gcc configured and built without any error.