can't get Jtagket tiny to work with OpenOCD

Hi All,

Recently I bought teh Jtagkey tiny from Amontec to program the ARM demo board for the ADuC7026.

Now I can not get the Jtagkey to work with OpenOCD. The USBDemon finder does find nothing.

In the device manager the USB shows Amontec channel A & B, the driver version is

My pc is kind of old and still uses USB 1.0 can this be the problem?

I did also try it on an other oldstile pc same result, yes I know time to buy an new one.

Can Anyone help me with this?


Hello Jelbert,

USBDemon is a product from macraigor - why should their software find your JTAGkey-Tiny?

You can get a precompiled OpenOCD version for Windows from There should also be example .cfg scripts for using the OpenOCD with the JTAGKey-Tiny, and a short how-to on starting the OpenOCD.

