Has anyone tried writing to CFI external flash attached to an STM32 using openocd V0.4.0?
From what I can make out, the CFI flash write code is only valid for a core operating in arm mode, and will not work for the armv7m core in thumb2 mode.
This is a dump of the debug output for the attempt
Debug: 5241 1644039 target.c:1251 target_write_buffer(): writing buffer of 8192 byte at 0x20000060
Error: 5242 1644183 armv7m.c:343 armv7m_run_algorithm(): current target isn’t an ARMV7M target
Debug: 5243 1644184 cfi.c:1527 cfi_spansion_write_block(): status: 0x6f66007a
Error: 5244 1644184 core.c:76 flash_driver_write(): error writing to flash at address 0x60000000 at offset 0x00000000 (-902)
Debug: 5245 1644184 command.c:620 run_command(): Command failed with error code -902