Hi, I just want to install the CH340G driver for my nodemcu that I got here … -need-them but it told me “Driver install failure”. Can someone from the Sparkfun help me?


Be sure to try the 340G, not the 341, drivers…then you may choose to update to 341 if needed (note the uninstall requirement) … -need-them

Also be sure to run the files “As Administrator”

Where can I find CH340G? I downloaded it from the link you give but it’s only CH341. And it told me that the driver is successfully installed in advance but I still can’t find it on Device Manager. It is also unavailable on Arduino IDE.


Did you do the ‘uninstall’ step? It looks like the 341 version covers the CH340G, so it should work…but the error happening @ installation time indicates something else might be going on (need to uninstall previous drivers, admin privileges, etc…)

I’d probably try contacting NodeMCU themselves…their site says the NodeMCU has a USB-TTL chip and should be plug-and-play?