change the symbol of a part i dont have a lib for. EagleCad

Someone sent me a schem/board to work on. I need to change the symbol of a part, the package is fine. I do not have the library for this part. When i do info on it it says Library=production, and i have no library named production. Is there a way to do this? Its a SOT-363 package which dosent come up under a search in my current library set, so rather than make a new part and have to remake the footprint, ide like to just use thie one.

Greetings Chupa,

I do not have the library for this part. When i do info on it it says Library=production, and i have no library named production. Is there a way to do this?

Yes. A little fact about EAGLE is that all parts used in a project

are stored in the SCH and BRD files. Meaning you don’t have

to have the original library when the project is opened in

another instance of EAGLE.

There is a utility script (ULP) that extracts the components

from a project and places them in a new library. From there

you can edit copies and accomplish your goal.

I don’t have access to EAGLE this morning but I’m sure

you can find the ULP now that you know it exists.

Comments Welcome!


Thank you!

If the ULP gives you a “Can’t find c:/documents.scr”, check out [this post for an answer.


I did get the error but it still generated the lib fine anyway. Oh well, good to know! thanks!