Changing GP-635 parameters

Hope someone else has some experience with the GPS GP-635 module.

I have been successful in connecting the the GSP Module - GP635-T via serial connection. It produces output readings every 1 second as expected at 9600 baud 8-N-1. The datasheet mentions that the baud rate can be changed, but I have not been able to figure out the syntax. The datasheet hints that it can be done at the factory depending on Minimum Order Quantity, but I would like to change it myself.

Also, I tried to place the module in low power mode by grounding pin 6 (PWR_CTRL), but the module keeps sending in messages. Shouldn’t it stop sending if this pin is LOW? I need to be able to stop it to conserve battery and this was one of the reasons I bought it, but no luck.

Any suggestions on how to change the baud rate on this module and/or place the modle in low power mode? I looked in the vendor site and Googled around, but no luck.

OK, I found out that you are supposed to use the NMEA commands found here: … anual1.pdf

So I tried sending: $PSRF100,1,19200,8,1,0*36<CR, to set the baud rate to 19200. I receive one garbage message (which actually seems correct as I had the baud rate at 9600, but then the very next message and all others after that were received correctly. This means it is still sending the output at 9600 baud. Hmm…

Try here: … PS/760.pdf

The set commands work for turning of the sentences you don’t need. I can’t figure out how to get them to persist over a power cycle though.