I’m trying to change the default baud rate on the subject GPS module. I can successfully change the rate at which the GPS messages are delivered via the $PSRF103 message. For whatever reason, the module is not accepting the $PSRF100 message to change the baud rate.
These are the messages that I’ve been trying:
$PSRF100,1,9600,8,1,0*0D\r\n for NMEA 9600, 8N1
$PSRF100,1,19200,8,1,0*38\r\n for NMEA 19200, 8N1
$PSRF100,1,38400,8,1,0*3D\r\n for NEMA 38400, 8N1
$PSRF100,1,57600,8,1,0*36\r\n for NEMA 57600, 8N1
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem or is this module stuck at 4800 baud?