Changing I2C address on SparkFun 16x2 SerLCD - RGB Text (Qwiic) [LCD-16397]

Just purchased additional LCDs for my project. Am looking to set the I2C address of the LCD to something other than the default of 0x72. Using the SerLCD library. Specifying the desired I2C address in the “begin” function does not change it. Specifying the new address via the “setAddress” function APPEARS to change it (calling “getAddress” function returns the address I provided, BUT running an I2C_Scan sketch shows that the real I2C address is unchanged from 0x72). Cannot display anything on the ‘screen’ unless the I2C address is the default 0x72. I would appreciate knowing what I am not doing correctly.

Are you using this? … ddress.ino

Be sure that the baud rates being used match. A reset may also be required