Chip select pin for ESP8266 Thing

I have several Sparkfun ESP8266 “Thing” boards and I want to use one for a data logger application that stores the data on an micro SD card. The SD card shield needs Vcc, GND, SCL, MISO, MOSI, and a chip select pin (CS). I can find nothing in your literature or wiring diagrams that indicates there is a pin used as chip select. Is there a pin used as chip select on the “Thing”, and if so, which is it? Thank you.

PS In the past I have used a WeMOS D1 mini which uses pin D8 (GPIO15) as the chip select. I see that the Thing designates D8 as RX.

Hi rickir206.

SCK, MOSI and MISO are defined, but CS isn’t and you’re free to use any available I/O pin as CS. Just make sure to name your CS pin in your code.