Circuit Python Libraries for Qwiic AS3935 Lightning Detector


I ported the Qwiic AS3935 Arduino Lightning Detector over to CircuitPython as well, and released it to the CircuitPython community. The CircuitPython library also supports SPI communication as well as I2C (via Qwiic).

All the Arduino examples were ported to Python. Plus the code includes a couple of convenience methods to easier tune and calibrate the Lightning Detector. (I opened an issue and the Arduino code also has these methods now.)

The code along with installation instructions and other information is available on GitHub [

You can install the Qwiic AS3935 CircuitPython libraries on a Raspberry Pi with the following command:

pip3 install sparkfun-circuitpython-qwiicas3935


fourstix](GitHub - fourstix/Sparkfun_CircuitPython_QwiicAS3935: CircuitPython library for the Sparkfun Qwiic AS3935 Lightning Detector)

Thanks again @fourstix!