CircuitPython Library for the SerLCD AVR-based Serial Displays


I ported the Arduino code for the SerLCD library to CircuitPython, and released it to the CircuitPython community. The CircuitPython library also supports SPI and UART (Serial) communication as well as I2C.

All the Arduino examples were ported to Python.

The code along with installation instructions and other information is available on GitHub [

You can install the SerLCD CircuitPython libraries on a Raspberry Pi with the following command:

pip3 install sparkfun-circuitpython-serlcd


fourstix](GitHub - fourstix/Sparkfun_CircuitPython_SerLCD: CircuitPython driver for the Sparkfun SerLCD displays)

How is “circuitpython” related to regular python? Can your code be used on the RPi just using regular Python?


Sorry I missed your question. The basic answer is yes.

Circuit Python is Python 3 with some basic libraries packaged automatically to make programming devices with Python easier. CircuitPython also supports other python platforms besides Raspi. There’s a link to the Adafruit CircuitPython tutorial on the github page along with some simple install instructions and other information.

Good luck,
