Code uploading to Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (USB-C)

I purchased two SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (USB-C).

One of them requires the boot button be pressed for the Arduino code to be uploaded after compiling.

The other does not require this; the code just uploads after compiling.

Is this normal for the boot button required to be pressed?

According to the [directions, this is normal.

Boot Button

The BOOT button can be used to force the board into the serial bootloader. Holding down the BOOT button, while connecting the board to a computer through its USB-C connector or resetting the board will cause it to enter the Firmware Download mode. The board will remain in this mode until it power cycles (happens automatically after uploading new firmware) or the RST button is pressed.

Hold the BOOT button down.

Reset the MCU.

While unpowered, connect the board to a computer with through the USB-C connection.

While powered, press the RST button.

Release the BOOT button.

After programming is completed, reboot the MCU.

Press the RST button.

Power cycle the board.


Thank you!