Ok, this will hopefully be my final post on this issue. This is more for folk who might run into a similar situation in the future. The guys over a Seeedstudio were quite helpful and described that the Seeeduino Stalker by design has the 3.3V pin disconnected. The attached diagram shows which pins to connect to solve this issue. Thanks again for the help and the example code, nice work.
ps–my little example mod…
// Nokia Shield
//* Derived from code by James P. Lynch and Mark Sproul.
//*Edit History
//* = Mark Sproul, msproul -at- jove.rutgers.edu
//* = Peter Davenport, electrifiedpete -at- gmail.com
//* Apr 2, 2010 I received my Color LCD Shield sku: LCD-09363 from sparkfun.
//* Apr 2, 2010 The code was written for WinAVR, I modified it to compile under Arduino.
//* Aug 7, 2010 Organized code and removed unneccesary elements.
//* Aug 23, 2010 Added LCDSetLine, LCDSetRect, and LCDPutStr.
// Included files
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include “WProgram.h”
#include “HardwareSerial.h”
// External Component Libs
#include “LCD_driver.h”
#include “nokia_tester.h”
// Main Code
void setup()
ioinit(); //Initialize I/O
LCDInit(); //Initialize the LCD
LCDClear(WHITE); // Clear LCD to a solid color
LCDPutStr(“Click a button!”, 0, 4, ORANGE, WHITE); // Write instructions on display
LCDPutStr(“This library”, 32, 4, BLACK, WHITE);
LCDPutStr(“is for world”, 48, 4, BLACK, WHITE);
LCDPutStr(“domination!”, 64, 4, BLACK, WHITE);
LCDPutStr(“and other”, 80, 4, BLACK, WHITE);
LCDPutStr(“fun stuff.”, 96, 4, BLACK, WHITE);
// Loop
void loop()
int s1, s2, s3;
s1 = !digitalRead(kSwitch1_PIN);
s2 = !digitalRead(kSwitch2_PIN);
s3 = !digitalRead(kSwitch3_PIN);
if (s1){
LCDClear(BLUE); // Clear LCD to WHITE
LCDPutStr(“Eat at JOE’s”, 10, 10, WHITE, BLUE);
int xVal, yVal, multi;
xVal = 64;
yVal = 64;
multi = 8;
LCDSetRect(xVal, yVal, xVal+2, yVal+2, 1, RED);
for (int j=0; j<=4; j++){
for (int i=0; i <= j*multi; i++){
LCDSetRect(xVal, yVal, xVal+2, yVal+2, 1, RED);
for (int i=0; i <= j*multi; i++){
LCDSetRect(xVal, yVal, xVal+2, yVal+2, 1, RED);
for (int i=0; i <= j*multi; i++){
LCDSetRect(xVal, yVal, xVal+2, yVal+2, 1, RED);
for (int i=0; i <= j*multi; i++){
LCDSetRect(xVal, yVal, xVal+2, yVal+2, 1, RED);
else if (s2){
LCDClear(WHITE); // Clear LCD to WHITE
else if (s3){
LCDClear(BLUE); // Clear LCD to WHITE
s1 = 0;
s2 = 0;
s3 = 0;