Working at BatchPCB for a month now, I have seen some common problems. Here are some problems and solutions.
Mirrored Bottom Layers:
Look at your files in a separate gerber file viewer (ie: viewplot) to make sure they look right. You can really notice it when you look at the top and bottom soldermask (aka: stop) and drill layers. If there is a drill hole and only one pad of soldermask, you have mirrored layers.
Centered Gerber Files:
This option was made so you could do your own photo etching. The only problem is that it does not do that for your drill data and it become impossible to accurately realign the drill to gerbers. Once again, using a separate gerber file viewer will help you.
Missing Outline:
It is often better to be explicit about the shape of your board than to leave it up to me or some guy working the routing machine at Gold Phoenix. Check your gerber files in a separate viewer and if you don’t see a border, you will get a rectangular board.
DRC Bot:
I understand that a number of people are getting confused by the DRC bot. If you see the warning that says the bot did not recognize your files, don’t worry. Scroll down and you can specify which layer belongs to which file. We are working on upgrading our site and the bot uses some legacy code and we are going to upgrade it too. Currently the DRC bot does not check silkscreen or drill files.
Order Status Says: “Customer Attention Needed:”
We have added this status so that if we encounter a problem with your order, you can see it. If you see this, check your email! We wrote an email to you about your order’s problem.