Communication between 'Xbee S3B Wire Antena' and 'Xbee S2'

I set the Xbee with Arduino and shield. I matched the PAN IDs, but it wasn’t working.

A code is correct because I already used that code with Xbee S2. It worked!

I don’t know why ‘Xbee S3B Wire Antena’ isn’t working…At that time, I realized something its name has

some word ‘Wire Antena’. Is it working without any Antena? Because I didn’t buy it.

If it could be working without it, Please tell me how to communicate between 'Xbee S3B’s or ‘Xbee S3B’ and ‘Xbee S2’?

without any antenna, expect 20 ft. range or so.

Is the Ember based, Zigbee only S2 said to be compatible with the S3?

I don’t know if the Zigbee s2 is compatible with the s3. That was what I wanted to find out.

I don’t know if the Zigbee s2 is compatible with the s3. That was what I wanted to find out.

typo: "Xbee S2"

Are S3 XBees sub-GHz only (868/900MHz)?

check product specs.

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