Compilation Problem OLIMEX CS-E9302

I tried to install the C-Compiler for Cygwin. First I got completely confused about the three packages provided without any information, what is what for?

I think the right one is bu-2.16.1_gcc-4.1.0-c-c++_nl-1.14.0_gi-6.4.exe.

It installed it, but it seems to be somehow useless, except for “hello world”

Everything seems to double: There are executeables in /bin and in /arm-elf/. What are they for?

I tried to compile a file by cygdrive/c/“Program Files”/GNUARM/bin/arm-elf-gcc -Wall -o time2 time2.c

It creates an ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (ARM), statically linked, not stripped.

It statically links libraries and therefore it is very large. Why?

There is e.g. no library like in the package, but I can find this in other two dev. packages for linux? Is there anything wrong with the Cygwin stuff?

Is anybody using any of these tools and can give me more informations to have a quicker start with the board?

Kind Regards,


Okay, I have now put the debian linux 2.6 on an USB-Stick and can boot into it and can compile my sources.

There is an excellent page for beginners like me :
