Complete Solar Charger Board

So I can get a SFE solar panel, and a variety of rechargeable batteries. But if I want a single board that takes the battery and the solar panel and gives out, say, 5V, that doesn’t exist as a turn key part. (If it does, please point me at it!)

I would think the solar panel would smart-charge the battery and the battery would power whatever you hook up.


Well you could just go directly from the solar panel to USB port with one of [these and [this. If you absolutely want the battery backup, you could do something like this: Plug the [Boost Converter with the solar panel as the input, then plug the 5v output into the 5v input on the [Power Cell, plug a battery in, and then put the USB-A Female connector linked to above and hook it up to the 5v output on the Power Cell.

So I don’t think it is complex enough of an idea to even need a dedicated board. Just put some wires together. I also don’t believe the demand is enough to consider, but if I’m wrong I always love a good debate.](](](](

LiPo Rider: … ?cPath=155 … ?cPath=155

Note that the minimum voltage in is 4.8v. If this is an issue, then get a boost converter.

Awesome, thanks!