Components for compact 1m RFID range reader

I would like to create a RFID controlled unlocking system for pet / animals using an Arduino Uno r3 (actually a elegoo). I need help selecting the components that will recognize the animal tag when it approaches. From your tutorial and others I suppose this requires an HF 13.56 RFID reader and a passive tag, for a range up 1m? But I can’t find range specs on the 13.56 reader. The ID20 LF system says 120mm (5 in) but your video “RFID comparsion with Tim” and what you mention above shows only 1 1/2 -2 1/2 inches. What components do I need to get a 1-3 ft range? I assume Inwould need a UHF antenna what reader would that pair with or how do I attach the antenna to a RC522 type card?

Hi Grouper7565,

You’re jumping around a bit here with the types of RFID you want to use so I’m a bit confused about what you’re trying to accomplish. RFID readers will only read tags that are in the frequency range of the reader so, for example, if you have 13.56MHz tags, you would need a reader operating at the same frequency range which would be [this MIFARE Reader. The ID20 RFID Readers only operate at 125kHz so they do not work with a 13.56MHz tag. For a quick overview of RFID, I would recommend reading through our [RFID Basics Tutorial.

Now, for the range requirements for your project, none of our readers outside of the [Simultaneous RFID Reader will realistically reach those ranges with an external antenna but again, it does not operate at 13.56MHz and instead will only read specific UHF tags like [these. Also, RFID read range is heavily affected by interference from things like water, metal and other objects. The [Range Test Example from our Simultaneous RFID Reader Hookup Guide goes into some more details on interference and best practices for maximizing your read range. Tags on animals, unless they are active tags, are going to be heavily influenced by the interference caused by the animal itself so your read range will fluctuate depending on the placement of the tag and the reader/antenna.

If you are looking for a reader for animal-specific tags, I’m afraid we do not really carry one that is optimized for that type of project. You may want to do some research from manufacturers who specialize in animal-tag RFID readers to find the right parts for this project. I hope this information helps clarify any confusion about RFID frequencies and read range and helps point you in the right direction to continue this project.](Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)](](](RFID Basics - SparkFun Learn)](