Connecting ICM-20948 to arduino uno and getting Data Underflow

My current setup is the ICM-20948( being connected to a Qwiic Cable - Breadboard Jumper( to the arduino Uno directly.

I am running the Example basic program in the library

After uncommenting the debugging line, I received data underflow for everything possible.

I have also tried to wire both SPI(Defined SPI) and I2C and both had the same result, data underflow for everything.

Due to time constraints, I will not be able to order anything new and because of the time it will take to arrive.

I currently have the arduino uno kit and 2 qwiic connect cables.

(I am sorry if this may be a repeat but the other threads weren’t helpful)

Why did you enable debugging?

Does the example work correctly if you disable debugging? That is, make the following statement a comment, as in the original?

//myICM.enableDebugging(); // Uncomment this line to enable helpful debug messages on Serial

I was hoping to find what might be wrong but it didn’t do anything other than give me data underflow for everything.

I’m very sure the code works because I pulled it straight from the library and the IMU is sending something to the Arduino, but it all comes out as data underflow.

Here is my monitor

Please answer this question:

Does the example work correctly if you disable debugging?

The code works fine, it operates the same as if the debugging code was commented. There are no errors in compiling. But I can’t say for sure if everything works because it all comes in as data underflow.

Thank you for your response.

If you get data underflow from the unmodified library example, regardless of the debug setting, you probably have a wiring problem, or a defective sensor.

Thank you for your advice, your assessment is very helpful.

If it wouldn’t be a bother, do you think you can create a diagram of what you suppose your wiring setup would be?