Operation issues with ICM-20948: data underflow


I use the ESP12-s (ESP8266) module and ICM-20948.

The power supply is made of 3.3v and 1.8v through MIC5350 from a lithium battery with 250mAh output 3.7v.

Until yesterday, the sensor value was printed well, but today’s value is not.

Here is the output statement:

Initialization of the sensor returned: Data Underflow

Trying again …

Nothing has changed. I’m not sure why no value comes out.

The code used is example 1_basics.

I would appreciate it if you let me know what I missed.

Hello Kang Sae Hun,

After looking through the GitHub source code, “Data Underflow” indicates that there was no data present.

The easiest troubleshoot would be to check the wiring. After that, verify that the onboard PWR LED is on to see if the board is getting power. If you’re able to hookup the I2C lines to a logic analyzer or oscillascope then check if there is any data being transmitted over these lines.

I apologize for not having a clear answer off the bat. There are several options that need to be nailed down first. I hope this helps point you in the right direction.