ICM-20948 Power Management Register Issues

Hi there, I’m wondering if you can help me. I seem to be having an issue with the configuration of the ICM20948 via SPI. I am able to write to all the registers successfully (doing a read confirms this). However, when I move the IMU my gyro/accel readings are just giving me 0x0000 and 0xffff. I did some testing and found that if I read from the PWRMGM1 register while moving the IMU it goes back to showing 0x41. Have I possibly missed a configuration setting? The documentation for this IMU seems to be VERY sparse. Any nudge in the right direction is much appreciated.

Sorry it looks like I posted too soon! I had been at this for a couple weeks and was running out of ideas but I figured this issue out by accident a few minutes after posting: The power to the ICM-20948 kept getting cut and re-established as I moved the device. Therefore, my MCU program was still running but the ICM-20948 kept resetting (i.e. powering off and on without running through my IMU config routine). I didn’t notice it because the wires weren’t loose and the LED is on the underside of the board when using SPI. Everything is working now!