Connecting teensy 2.0 with Sparkfun's USB Host Shield

I’m trying a hardware keylogger project using teensy from … gger-phukd

it is stated that i can’t connect my keyboard → teensy → computer directly because teensy needs to act as a USB host for the keyboard.

I can’t find the USB host from the site, so I had a Sparkfun USB host shield instead.

So, I connected the Teensy, micro-SD card adapter module, and sparkfun’s USB host shield like the [top] picture, with wiring like the [bottom] picture

in details, I connected the micro-sd adapter to SPI pins 0-3 on teensy, and the USB host adapter to Tx & Rx pins 7-8.

you can see the green cable on the [top] picture is Rx of teensy → Tx of USB Host

and the yellow cable is Tx from teensy → Rx of USB Host

the twisted Red and Black cable are the +5V and GND

(in short, i followed the guidelines from the [bottom] picture … 1403126758 … gersch.png

with this configuration, the micro-SD card adapter works fine, as i can access it from my computer, but the keyboard connected through the USB adapter isn’t detected.

Anyone can help to point out of what I did wrong? any solutions to my problem?
