Help with MIDI keyboard for USB Host Shield


I have a few questions about the Sparkfun USB Host Shield. I believe I have the second revision board. I’m using this library: … umentation

I’ve tried two MIDI keyboards, and the docs say you can use a powered USB hub in between the keyboard and the shield if you uncomment the line USBHub Hub1(&Usb);. I tried that but here’s what’s happening:

-When I plug the keyboard into the powered hub, the hub’s USB port light turns on and the MIDI keyboard powers on.

-When I plug the powered hub into the USB Host shield, the hub’s light turns off and the keyboard powers off.

-If I unplug the arduino and shield from the computer, the keyboard turns back on.

I’ve tried plugging the hub into my computer’s USB and can verify that both USB keyboards work, but I can’t get either to work with the host shield. Can anyone help with this?