USB Host Shield Not Working with Mouse

Hello Everyone, i have recently bought the following products:

Duinotech Leonardo r3 Main Board: … 19de3d5d51

Funduino USB Host Shield: … st-shield/

For some reason when i plug them both in and connect my mouse to the Host Shield it just doesn’t work, i see the mouse LED’s shine bright for a split second as i connect it, as if its sucking all the power and not getting enough. Moving the mouse around while its plugged in does nothing but partially shine the mouse LED’s very softly. I have tried using multiple mouses, three to be exact, all of them wired, none worked. I was thinking i may need to get some sort of wireless mouse with batteries to avoid this power problem but i would really prefer to use my mouse (Razer Deathadder) instead of some cheapo wireless one.

After i tried with the Funduino USB Host Shield i decided to go to another store where they had another host shield in stock:

Arduino Compatible USB Host Expansion Board: … d/p/XC4456

Apparently some people have to solder this board but it appears mine came already soldered (see attached image). When i plugged this one in the same problem arose, my mouse LED’s would flicker faintly as if not enough power was available.

I don’t know where else to go for help, i have seen a few posts from people having the same issues as me but either it wasn’t resolved or wasn’t a viable solution. Any help would be appreciated, attached you can see the two USB Host Shields i have tried.

Incase the images don’t attach correctly i have uploaded them to Imgur and can be accessed here:

If your shield is anything like the one sparkfun carries, it needs SPI on pins 10,11,12 and 13 but the leonardo doesn’t have SPI on those pins. You might try using an Uno, that has SPI on the correct pins.