Controlling Arduino with Visual Studio (C or C++)


I am trying to figure out if there is a way to control my ardunio using Visual studio (programming in C or C++). My project consist of such:

I am trying to use Visual Studios to make a form application to control my arduino through serial connection which will be controlling a robotic car. The interface (form application) will have Speed (1-5, 1 being the slowest 5 being the fastest), Turn (left or right), a button to read the arduino, and write to the arduino. Is this possible? If so, how can I possibly do this. Any advice, tips, or guidance are appreciated!


If by “controlling my Arduino ,” you mean sending data to the Arduino, then any terminal emulator or USB-serial capable program will be able to to that.

You want to make an application that communicates serially to the arduino?

Do you know how to program in C?

Do you know how to communicate using serial ports?

Do you know how to have the arduino parse out the received serial commands?

You may need to learn some things in order to make this application happen.

Visual Basic may be a better choice unless you are more experienced with C.