Correct PCB terminology??!

I’m working on creating what I would call a breakout board for the adafruit feather / Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Plus form factor. It would be similar in some ways to the FeatherWing Tripler board and the Terminal Block Breakout FeatherWing. But I ran into several different words which might describe it. Which words are correct and which ones would be most accurate?



Breakout Board?


Expansion Board?

Development Board?

What is the difference between a shield and a backpack? Shield vs breakout board?

Hi Keen.

Shield, Wing, Backpack, Hat. These are all fancy marketing terms for essentially the same thing, PCB or board.

There really isn’t a correct term and you could call it anything you want, but if it follows the dimensions and pinout of a Feather Wing, you might just call it that so that others know what it’s designed to connect too. :slight_smile: