I am trying to create a part that has more pads than pins.
I am trying to create a dual FET device in an SO8 package in Eagle.
2 FETs = 6 pins, SO8 package = 8 pads. Each FET has it’s drain internally connected to 2 pads on the package. This allows the device to handle more current.
So, how do I create this device in Eagle?
I can get the 2 FET symbols (6 pins in total) inside the package.
I read another post (viewtopic.php?t=9294) about naming power pins on micrcontrollers VSS@1 and VSS@2 and VSS@3 etc. Apparently this is how large microcontrollers get eagle to automatically recognise the power pins are all to be connected to the same net. It is in essence what I’m trying to do … to get 2 pads on the same device to connect to the same net, but only have 1 pin in the schematic.
I’ve been trying but I’m totally stuck, can anyone help?
Thank you.
OK, so I finally figured out the best way to do it is just to make the part with the extra pins i.e. each FET on the schematic has 2 drains. There is no good way that I an see to make eagle automatically connect 2 pads to 1 pin.