Cutting JP1 on the ME6 NanoSimultaneous RFID reader


This is somewhat of a newbie question as I don’t have too much experience on the subject, but I just bought the ME6 NanoSimultaneous RFID reader and an external power source (5v 2.4A) that I want to use to power it instead of the serial port, so I can set the readpower to around 25~ dBm, and only use the USB for communicating with my PC.

It says in the guide to cut the JP1 connection on the backside, which I have been trying to do, but I don’t know if it has worked. When I connect the external power supply the POWER led lights up, which is fine, but when I disconnect that power source and only connect through USB the POWER led also lights up. Does this mean the connection isn’t cut or is that supposed to happen anyways?

Appreciate any help. Thanks!

(Using an arduino uno and stackable headers to connect it to power/PC, if that has any effect on the end result)

Sounds like you didn’t completely sever the connection and you might need to cut a bit deeper into the trace.

An ohm meter will read infinite resistance when you have the probes on both jumper pads when the trace between them is completely severed.

If you need help with jumpers, [see this tutorial for more information. :-)](How to Work with Jumper Pads and PCB Traces - SparkFun Learn)

I have similar problem.

I have cut J1, and powered by external source. Power LED is ON. but serial port is not recognized by URA/Jadac program anymore. Therefore COM8 USB UART is visible by windows as device.

Cutting J1 cause serial port not communicating.

please advice.

On what connection / points do you apply what level (e.g. 3V3 or 5V) of external power ?

I applied external power sours at

3.7 -5V

standalone 2 pins in upper right corner

Are you applying 5V external power. This is necessary to have the level shifter work correctly.