DA7280 Haptic Driver with garden variety Python3

I would like to use a DA7280 haptic driver with regular Python3 on a Raspberry Pi over I²C. It’s on a daisy chain of several I²C devices connected together using QWIIC. I can see the DA7280’s address using i2cdetect and have working Python3 scripts for the other QWIIC devices along the same daisy chain. What’s missing is knowledge. I know about the Arduino code but it would be over my head to port either from that or from CircuitPython.

Where should I look for PIP3 modules and sample code for using the DS7280 in regular Python3?


We only provide arduino-based code for most products; the next step would be watching a couple videos covering how to port arduino over to python…it’s fairly straight-forward

Or just write the python code, using your other working examples to guide you (swap in the DA7280 i2c address instead, etc)