Daisy chain CD74HC4067 Analog/Digital MUX Breakout board

How would you daisy chain the CD74HC4067 Analog/Digital MUX Breakout board? And how would you code that to distinguish which board is being called in arduino/esp32 code?

Use the EN pin to disabe the board that isn’t active.

Would you mind showing that in a schematic form?

Would it look like this?

Sorry, I’m on mobile so I don’t have a way to send a pic. Just connect the EN pin to a free GPIO and toggle it high or low to disable or enable that particular board. The select pins all connect in parallel.

How about the COM pin?

COM is however you need to connect it, but it does make sense to parallel them all since only one should be active at a time.

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I’ve been finding some schematics of Mux in daisy chaining and it looks like EN goes to GRN while the “Z” (COM) goes to a different GPIO pin:

So now im not sure how this should be hooked up…

Check the table on page 2 of the datasheet, that shows how you have to toggle the S# and E pins to get the output you desire.

For code, you’re pretty much inputting a binary number into the S# pins and whatever binary number between 0 and 15 you input, connects the common pin to channel 0-15. Grounding the E pin enables the connection, pulling it high disables the connection.

Code in this example will make you a 4 bit binary counter.