DataLogger IoT - 9DoF (DEV-20594)

The github page for this product lists a source code tar file. The file does not have source code, but a firmware blob. I have two questions.

  1. Where is the firmware source code, seems like it should be available.

  2. Can a end user program this product. I have a project in mind that this would be an ideal starting point. However if I can’t program it, I’ll have to re-think how to proceed.

Thank you


Eh, it’s a bit mixed…you can re-program it, but it is not an open-source product … _firmware/

Thanks for the link, I seemed to have missed that.

It would be nice to have open source firmware, I’m willing to live with the possibility of bricking the device. Can always learn good things from other’s software. Going to purchase a couple and have some fun.



WRT: Not being able to flash SF firmware once the user has upload their own. It would be very simple and nice if SF would provide a sketch that would provide for uploading SF firmware from a SD card. The end user could restore to SF firmware.

