Datalogger iot Logging Timer

Apologies in advance for a rookie question: I am using CoolTerm on the Mac to try to adjust the logging interval from the default of 15 seconds down to 1 second. I get into the menu, select item 7, option 1, but any number I type in (like 1000 for 1000 msecs) gets multiplied by the default and I get a new interval of 15000000! I do not know if I have Coolterm’s settings wrong, or whatever els I might be doing wrong. Any guidance appreciated!!


Are you saving the setting too? … e-settings

Does a different intervals work? (like say, 5 seconds or 30 seconds?)

Saving works fine, the problem is I cannot figure out how to get rid of the default 15000 value: see screenshot, which when I press the delete key adds a “[D” to the 15000 string. The only impct I seem to be able to have on the 15000 default is any number I type in is multiplied by 15000. So for example if I type in “100” and save the updated value is 1,500,000. I have this problem on both Mac and PC when using CoolTerm. Is this a bug, or do I need to use another serial program, or am I doing something wrong? Appreciate any help, I need a sample per second.



Hmmm…can you input “0.06666666666” (which x15000 = 1000?

No luck, it just appends it:

.Interval = 1500000666

I’d say there probably a bug; file an issue here to alert the engineering team

Willdo, thanks!