Datalogger support for ina219 current voltage sensor ?

A few years back you folks offered this board zio INA219 which i use to remotely monitor the battery voltages of a boat during the winter months and upload the readings once a minute to a cloud service.

I was interested in your datalogger product but did not see support for that board, nor a newer version of the board you offer

Is this sensor on your road map to add support for ? If not can i still use it with the datalogger by writing something by hand or is everything baked into the firmware ? The thought of the datalogger is very appealing not having to write code.


This one is supported and might be what you’re after?

Thank you

Looking at that sensor you recommended it appears i would have to cut the positive wire on my DC panel on the boat which is not something i want to do, it also looks like a sparkx product which i know has very limited support and tutorials from past boards i tried. Can it be used like the zio in219 where i just needed a pos and neg wire attached ?

Down the road any chance the data logger could become more open and use a config file vs firmware for sensor support so non SF sensors could work with it ? You folks released a bluetooth nano beacon board awhile back that allowed a programming interface to define a sensor, perhaps something like that for a future datalogger release ?