Hi all,
I recently buy an Atmel AT91SAM7S-EK board with a AT91SAM7S256 32-bits processor.
I use OpenOCD 2007re141 + YAGARTO Eclipse IDE + JTAGKey USB Debugger.
After program some applications, the boards doesn’t works; I can program the Flash memory but it don’t execute the application. Searching through internet I found that I (suppose…) accidentally changed the value of gpnvm bit 2 to 0, and it should be to 1 to boot from flash.
After trying several times the command: “at91sam7 gpnvm 0 2 set” with different revisions of OpenOCD I still can’t set it to 1. I also can’t connect the board through SAM-BA (neither for USB or RS232 Port) and I’m worried about it’s state.
I also tried to reset the board with the jumper on TST pin, but nothing occurs. USB drivers of Amontec channels A and B are reinstalled, but SAM-BA doesn’t detect the board.
Is my board dead? What should I do now? Any suggestion or idea?
Thanks for your help