I’m not sure of a better place to put this…but I’ll voice my concerns here…
Y’all, especially with the switch over to the new website, I find it’s become very difficult to find helpful documentation on your products (particularly your legacy products). For instance, this Opto-Isolator. You provide the datasheet and design files, and that’s it. I don’t know what the pinout is, I don’t know what the pins are rated to. I know more about the IC than I do about the breakout! While I can take the time to re-install EAGLE to open the files, then parse through the datasheet to back out how how to use the breakout, it’s really no replacement for providing a datasheet or hookup guide of its own.
I feel like I’ve been running into this WAY more often lately… call me crazy but I feel like the new website broke a lot of links to content or just lost it entirely and now I have to reverse engineer all your breakout boards in order to understand how to use them. For me: I’m not going to waste my time doing that. For learners: It’s just as indiscernible as handing them the IC and sending them on their way.
I’d like to see some pride taken in rejuvenating what made Sparkfun special: Making the ball of worms that is Electrical Engineering a little more palatable…