Hello. :? Noob here. I need some help identifying which SparkFun product(s) will best work with the following project as well as my beginner skill level. I hope I’m posting in the correct place!
In a nutshell, I want to be able to convert a signal from a (5V) [littleBits circuit to control some (9V) LEGO [Power Functions motors.[/b]
I recently posted a query to the [“Bricks” Stack Exchange site, and I’ve learned that an H-bridge might work. A DC relay may also work if/when I’m not concerned with varying the speed or direction of the motors. However, the answers I got from the other users were a little too general for me. I could use some further hand-holding to figure out exactly which product(s) will do what I want.
Note that I don’t have a specific end-build in mind. Although one of my objectives is to build littleBits inventions with motors that are more robust than those that come with their kits, I also want to be able to play around with my littleBits and LEGO motors in a variety of ways.
Finally, I’m looking for elements that don’t require soldering. (I’m not there yet.) That said, I’m cool with breadboards, electronic components, jumper wires, etc. I know that limits my options, but that’s okay for now. Maybe I’ll build a custom littleBits module someday after I have more mastery of the basics.
I welcome any questions or other thoughts. For those unfamiliar with littleBits and/or LEGO Power Functions, see the links above or the attached photos.
LEGO Power Functions:
https://i.imgur.com/ff6v85V.jpg](motor - Does LEGO sell a DC relay for Power Functions? - Bricks)](Power Functions motors presentation)](https://littlebits.cc)