DEV-13955 data logger problem

Dear SparkFun Nice team

I purchased two old SparkFun Data logger (DEV-13955, DEV-13712) which log UART data based in ATMEGA328P ATMEL microcontroller. But when I tested them according to SparkFun hookup guide" … okup-guide" it didn’t log any data on the SD card. I tried more than one SD card but it didn’t work.

I tried to upload any sketch from the Arduino IDE (tested version according to hookup guide e.g. 1.8.8), but the IDE wasn’t able to recognize any Arduino port connected (I tested Arduino UNO, NANO, Pro). Moreover, Low-Level Function Commands like (?, disk) tested on the serial port (using FTDI converter), but never responded to me.

I think that the problem is the Arduino bootloader. I will upload a new Arduino bootloader using another Arduino board (Arduino as ISP). But before that, I am asking you for any advice before this point. What do you think? and which sketch could I upload from the following GitHub repo to complete my work?

The hookup guide suggests v 1.6.5 of the arduino IDE

I would say to try your suggestion, here are the binaries if you want to send the bootloader over FTDI … r/Binaries

Thanks for the reply. I can’t upload the bootloader on the ATMEGA328P over UART or SPI. What do you suggest to solve the problem?

What file format are the SD cards using/size?

FAT32 was the format of the most used SD cards. I used more than specific sizes like 8G, 32G, and 256MB.

Did you try formatting the sd card?

Thanks for reply. Yes many times.

Give this utility a try, I’ve had good luck getting cards to work after using it.