DEV-14150 Piplate relay board: 1 amp limitation ?


I have bought a DEV-14150 PIplate relay board.

The songle relays on the board states a limitation off 30 VDC and 3 amp so how come the instructions mention a 1 amp limitation ?

I would like to use 4 of the relays on the relay board to individually switch on/off a valve solonoid which each require 24 V and ~ 1.5 amp DC.

Would that be possible without destryoing the board ?

Greetings, thanks for posting on the forums.

The relays have different electrical characteristics when they are considered alone, however, when used on a PCB, especially sharing space with several other components, things like traces and power transfer characteristics have to be considered. So the board using the relays is the weakest link, essentially. Also, the lower rating is mostly used for safety ratings, so please do not surpass 1A.

I would not surpass the 1A rating for any single relay on this board even though the voltage is at 24V. Again, these are more for safety reasons and PCB limitations.

My recommendation would be to find a relay board that can handle more current.

I hope this helps.

I recently wrapped up a project and wound up using Opto 22 gear. A little more expensive but the mounting rack really made interfacing easy. They’re also silent which is nice.


These were the output modules I used but there are various others in the G4O family:

Thank you for your replies.

TS-John: do you know if there are any documentation on these PCB limitations ?

Thank you