DEV-19217 Questions


  • Does DEV-19217 accept Analog data as input?

  • How much is the ADC sampling rate for DEV-19217?

It doesn’t look to me like it does. From what I’m seeing the board only supplies a high speed micro sd interface to another micro controller board. As long as your other board has an analog input on it or connected to it, you should be able to log analog data.

But it has the A3,A4,A5 pins, aren’t these for input analog data?

No, they are not connected to anything other than A5 being used as chip select for the micro SD slot. Nothing on the shield is analog.

A Thing Plus/Feather microcontroller that this device is designed to be stacked with would typically have analog inputs on those pins. That’s why they are numbered that way. As Yellow Dog said, this board uses them as chip select. There is a description of their function at … okup-guide.