Dialog ULP WiFi DA16200 R3 Shield factory installed firmware

I recently purchased the Dialog ULP WiFi DA16200 R3 Shield. Where can I download the factory installed firmware image and source code possibly the e2studio Project? Is this a Sparkfun created FW project or the standard Renesas DA16200 release FW?

I am also having trouble running the shield as a stand alone device, withe DA16200 being a unhosted solution I would think it should run fine on its own, if I apply power 3,3v to the board at the 3V3 pin I am not seeing any active it on either the UART0 or UART1, switch in the HW position.

If I pull the RESET pin high (3.3v) I sometimes see activity on the UARTs TX but I get a framing error.

  1. Can you please specify the start up sequence required for the Shield to run properly?

  2. proved what the expected UART activity is if any?


https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ge … troduction

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/di … e-overview

Which 3v3 are you using? Try slowing down the baud like the guide mentions and see if that helps…you could also use debug mode (also in guide)

See the guide for the Waking modes and which pins to use for each situation (HW or SW)

I’m not sure if it can be used as a standalone device as-is but it’s worth a shot…you’d just need to replicate the signals that the arduino would send (AT commands over serial)

thanks , I RTC_POWER_KEY was able to get the DA16200 running , needed to connect the nReset and RTC_POWER_KEY to the 3v3 power