I recently purchased the Dialog ULP WiFi DA16200 R3 Shield. Where can I download the factory installed firmware image and source code possibly the e2studio Project? Is this a Sparkfun created FW project or the standard Renesas DA16200 release FW?
I am also having trouble running the shield as a stand alone device, withe DA16200 being a unhosted solution I would think it should run fine on its own, if I apply power 3,3v to the board at the 3V3 pin I am not seeing any active it on either the UART0 or UART1, switch in the HW position.
If I pull the RESET pin high (3.3v) I sometimes see activity on the UARTs TX but I get a framing error.
Can you please specify the start up sequence required for the Shield to run properly?
proved what the expected UART activity is if any?