Different Functions using 2 buttons


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I’m currently learning Arduino stuff. So right now I’m trying to create a arduino app that will use buttons, leds and rgb

So I have 2 buttons, 8 leds and a RGB. The first button is the function switcher when you press it the led will light according to their function and the second button is the function activator so right now here’s I want to do:

Function 1: Turn on/off RED light

Function 2: Increase RED light brightness by 5; if already at 255, reset at 0

Function 3: Turn on/off GREEN light

Function 4: Increase GREEN light brightness by 5; if already at 255, reset at 0

Function 5: Turn on/off BLUE light

Function 6: Increase BLUE light brightness by 5; if already at 255, reset at 0

Function 7: Turn on ALL lights, all brightness to 255

Function 8: Turn off ALL lights, all brightness to 0

I already started coding and I’m stuck at Turning on and off the red light Here’s my code:

  const int red = 5;

    int b1, b2; //Buttons
    int dir =0; 
    int light =11;
    int func = 0;
    boolean buttonValue = true;
    boolean buttonState = true;

    void setup() {
    pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
   for (int i =11; i<=18; i++) {
   pinMode(i, OUTPUT);


  void loop() {
  b1 = digitalRead(2);

  if (b1 == HIGH) {
  dir = 2;
  if(func >=8)
  func = 0;
  } else {
  dir = 0; 
  digitalWrite(light, LOW); 
  if(dir==2 && light < 18) { 
  digitalWrite(light, HIGH); 

  void function(int pin) {
  b2 = digitalRead(3);

 switch(func) {
 case 1:
 if (b2 = true) {
  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
 } else {
  digitalWrite(5, LOW);