Different shaped pads in Eagle

Does any one knows how to draw differente hsaped pads?

I have this component that has a very critical pad. There are two pads that i can not think of how to do. The easiest one is a pad with a hole of 0.5mm but it has a rectangular dimension? The hardest one is a pad with TWO holes on it a a rectagular dimension?

ONe think i could od it to add cicular pads and fill the surrondings with the RECT tool. But it will give tons of DRC error later on? IS there a script or a way to do that?

Thanks in advance.

Got a link to the datasheet of your part?

Might help a lot…

The part is a mc33580. you guys are going to have to do a search, the forum some how does not let me post the url. The pads info starts at page 31. I asked some people from the manufacturer and they said that some pins require two holes in each pad. So How would i do that?

Had a look at the [AN2467 Application Notes?](http://www.freescale.com/files/analog/doc/app_note/AN2467.pdf?fpsp=1&WT_TYPE=Application%20Notes&WT_VENDOR=FREESCALE&WT_FILE_FORMAT=pdf&WT_ASSET=Documentation)

Yeap, that was taking into account. The deal is more regarding the vias that i can´t seem to be able to create on a same pad.

Well, you usually add vias when you come to layout your board.

The footprint in AN2467 is quite straightforward - just rectangular pads with vias. I wouldn’t have any problems creating it with the Pulsonix software I use. If Eagle won’t let you add vias to the footprint pads, just add them to the PCB.


Yeap, that was taking into account. The deal is more regarding the vias that i can´t seem to be able to create on a same pad.

EAGLE doesn’t allow vias in library parts, so you will have to add them manually in the board. Just name the vias when you place them (i.e. via ‘GND’).

Yup, you’ll still get “clearance” warnings but it’ll work.