Differential I2C without power transmission between Endpoints

I have a project where I have to communicate with a magnetometer through several slip rings. There are 6 available wires to connect the Arduino MEGA to the BNO055. Due to issues of EMI, I am hoping to use differential I2C with QWIIC Endpoints to establish reliable communication between the two.

Can I power the two Endpoints externally via 5V - allowing me to only use 2 power wires and 4 twisted wires for differential I2C? This would effectively leave the blue and green twisted pairs of the ethernet cable unused. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


I think that should work; see https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … verviewand https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/b/8/9/5 … ematic.pdf

Thank you for the quick reply. The Endpoints with the 6 wire setup worked perfectly when tested.