Difficulty programming a Sparkfun Pro nrf52840 mini using JLink debugger: RESET is high

I have a program in the Nordic SDK nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96

The program doesn’t run when downloaded via the serial debugger.

I am trying to reload the S140 SoftDevice and Application via the JLink port, but am running into connectivity issues.

I have added a header for the JLink Cortex debugger to my Sparkfun Pro nrf52840 Mini board, and when downloading, it complains that Pin 15 (RESET) (aka Pin 10 (nRESET) on the sparkfun board) is high and should be low., then announces that it cannot find a Cortex M in the chain.

I am aware that the Bootloader, S140 SoftDevice, and Application must be “in sync” to be able to run BLE apps without exceptions, so I want to reload all the firmware to get a consistent set.

The S140 image is rejected when I try to send it via the serial bootloader. The JLink refuses to connect.

The tutorials don’t offer any help installing a new bootloader, nor do they specify which of the 61 images on the AdaFruit Bootloader git releases should be installed.

Seeking guidance, so I can begin to make progress with this board.
