Sparfun nRF52840 Firmware?

I recently corrupted the bootloader on my nRF52840. I have 2 problems:

  1. I need extra hardware to program the bootloader (J-Link for EDU for example or Nordic Semiconductor’s Development Kit).

  2. I need a copy of Sparkfun’s firmware / bootloader - which is “heavily based on” Adafruit’s.

Where can I find Sparkfun’s version of the firmware? The links on Sparkfun’s website are to Ardafruit’s firmware. I need a suitable hex file.


Hi Jack,

The bootloader and softdevice hex files are not publically hosted but I have attached them to this reply as a .zip folder for you to download. Here is a direct download link to that attachment:
nRF52840 (206 KB)

We have a tutorial for [ARM Programming that will go over the various J-Link programmers we carry and some examples using various ARM-based boards we sell.

This is all the information we have available for re-flashing the bootloader on this board. Other users may be able to help you with any problems you encounter but this process is beyond the scope of the SparkFun Technical Support Team.

I hope this helps you recover your Pro nRF52840. Good Luck!](


I also need to reflash my nrf52840 and have a working swd setup already.

What are the steps to build the bootloader correctly?

I am assuming that this is the one you use:

Alternatively, can you provide an up-to-date bootloader?


Hello steinerlein.

Sadly we can’t assist with steps to build the bootloader or programming it, but the most up to date version is in zip file in the post before yours.

Hope that helps!