Nrf52840 Custom Board Bootloader

Hello, I am developing a custom board based on the nrf52840 Mini. Is there somewhere I can find that bootloader to flash? I noticed it said it’s based off of Adafruits UF2 bootloader but is sparkfuns available for download? Thanks.

Sort of…we have a guide to build the toolchain/firmware/bootloader … e-nrf5-sdk which will refer to a few files housed here … ree/master that should be most of what you’re after :wink:

That’s great thanks!

Sort of…we have a guide to build the toolchain/firmware/bootloader … e-nrf5-sdk which will refer to a few files housed here … ree/master that should be most of what you’re after :wink:

Coming back to this, I did specify but I was still intending to use Arduino. I found the Adafruit bootloader source code. Can I flash that UF2 bootloader or would I need to customize it to get my board to appear like the NRF52840 Mini?